Inspection software inspectors enjoy

Inspection software inspectors enjoy

Inspection software inspectors enjoy

  • Drive efficiency with automatic data entry from any document

  • Empower inspection decision making with historical information on search.

  • Clients drop end-to-end industrial inspection time by 2.2x on average

Automatic data entry from technical diagrams - never manually enter information again.

State-of-the-art inspection research tools - complete historical coverage.

Run inspections 10 times faster, more accurately.

  • Drive efficiency with automatic data entry from any document

  • Empower inspection decision making with historical information on search.

  • Clients drop end-to-end industrial inspection time by 2.2x on average

Trusted by pioneers in industrial inspection

Partnering with global trailblazers

Trusted by pioneers in industrial inspection

Partnering with global trailblazers

Trusted by pioneers in industrial inspection

Partnering with global trailblazers

Cut costs with Scope today

Our AI-driven inspection software offers inspectors a range of benefits, including increased accuracy, reduced costs, and improved efficiency. As the only AI-native inspection software provider in the TIC space we empower inspection decision making and massively drive internal efficiency.

Never enter data manually again

Our system automatically extracts relevant data from technical asset diagrams, maintenance manuals and even paper trials to automatically fill out your CMMS and EAM systems.

Grow revenue with qualitative data

Use historical qualitative inspection reports to drive inspection decision making to be much faster. Clients use historical results to automatically write WSEs and work orders.

Best in class accuracy from best in class data

Capture a wide range of errors as you consolidate historical inspection results. Reduce risk of major incident hazards and empower accurate decision making.

Scope Modules

Scope Modules

Scope Modules

Scope is the only vendor to have a native AI platform, custom built for the testing, inspection and certification sector.

Scope is the only vendor to have a native AI platform, custom built for the testing, inspection and certification sector.

Scope is the only vendor to have a native AI platform, custom built for the testing, inspection and certification sector.

Complex data extraction

Upload your documents to our drag and drop system, where we'll collect data from structured and semi-structured data sources.

Data ingestion into any system

We'll integrate with your system, via webhooks or pre-built APIs. Inspectors never need to add system information and increase their efficiency rate by 40%.

Autofill inspection results

Use historical qualatitive data to drive decision making for different inspection processes, auto-generating written schemes of examination (WSE) and more.

Best in class review processes

Best in class error detection models to check quality of finished inspection reports.

Built on industry leading standards

Partnered with companies all over the world

Best in class industrial inspection software

Automatically ingest all your data. Use it to drive best in class inspection decision making. Grow revenue without growing headcount.

Best in class industrial inspection software

Automatically ingest all your data. Use it to drive best in class inspection decision making. Grow revenue without growing headcount.

Best in class industrial inspection software

Automatically ingest all your data. Use it to drive best in class inspection decision making. Grow revenue without growing headcount.